Our Leads

Aye: The 7 of Wands

Who can forget the past when that inner demon plays not only an endless carousal of your worst moments, but moments that may not even belong to you? Zeia, Angela, Aye, Anzeia... She's endlessly locked in a battle of identity. When sharing the thoughts, memories and dreams of multiple others that may or may not exist, even the task of walking straight can seem fruitless. After being stripped away from anyone everything she loved, it was He who gave her a purpose. He whispers in her ear. He constantly drills commands into her brain. He created her to be a personal weapon, but this reality warping telepath embarks on a journey, leaving her world behind to pursue a single goal... To kill HIM. Prayers for anyone with the courage to stand in her way.

Ezekiel: The Fool

With each passing day, he grows more and more numb. Food doesn't taste the same, friends are distant, time seems to just slip away and love simply eludes him. After surviving a seemingly fatal incident unscathed, life just isn't the same. He's haunted by dreams of a life never lived and attacked by memories of a fiery red head. With this mental well-being feigning, the line between reality is gradually blurred. Finally at the lowest imaginable state, he's led by the disembodied voice of an uncle he never knew, and embarks on a journey that sees him traversing space-time for a sense of self and purpose... Being a living electromagnet doesn't make things any easier either!

Fumious, The Hunter

Who is this blood thirsty shadowy figure?! Using smoke as a weapon is crazy! 

Cylace, the Authoritarian

50% human, 50% robot, 100% cop! Wait, policing our world from another reality??? Better hope we don't do anything to mess with our timeline...